No matter your experience or fitness level, there’s a Spark Cycling class for you.


We know that joining a cycling class for the first time can be intimidating. Our entire team works hard to make sure everyone is set up for success, from helping you set up your bike correctly to making sure there are modifications throughout class for all abilities and fitness levels. We all have our preferences so we encourage you to try different instructors and class types to see what fits your needs best!

  • Our classic 45 minute ride is dictated by the music! You’ll ride to the rhythm and cues from your instructor. Challenges include hills, sprints, and choreography designed to get your heart pumping while at your self-determined level of effort. A dedicated cool-down and stretching period closes class. You’ll feel energized, accomplished, and ready for your next ride!

  • Cycle Strength is similar to Spark Classic but includes a section dedicated to upper body strength with small hand weights. You’ll stay on your bike while working through a series of movements intended to give your upper body a taste of what your lower body endures! We have 1-5 pound weights available for all riders.

  • Spark Stamina keeps riders in that "sweet spot" of working hard but at a level that is manageable for a long period of time. We focus on longer intervals of work followed by longer intervals of rest and recovery. Think holding a conversation while keeping your heart rate up and a smile on your face!

  • Looking to up your choreography game? Club Choreo is 45 minutes of advanced choreography - think slower beats and more movement out of the saddle, challenging your core strength and coordination! We'll incorporate choreography that you already know and love with some new things intended to push your bike comfort zone. This class is for anyone up for a challenge but not afraid of learning and improving as they go!

  • Ride + Resist(ance) is a hybrid class intended to get your heart rate up both on and off the bike! This 45 minute class starts off-bike with a series of dynamic stretches followed by five intervals - three on-bike and two off-bike. The off-bike intervals will incorporate bodyweight and light hand weight exercises to increase full-body strength and endurance. Class ends with a stretch and some mobility.

  • Spark Terrain mimics outdoor cycling, incorporating rolling hills, steep climbs, flats, and fast down hills. This class is for someone who loves an outdoor ride or someone looking to get an intro to spinning. You’ll get the same high energy music but minimal choreography as we concentrate on form and the benefits of a 45 minute cardio session.

  • Choreographed to the beat, this rhythm ride class takes you on an invigorating guided mixed terrain that will challenge your strength and stamina. Spark Fusion incorporates weights so you’ll work on toning your arms and will end class with a mindful stretch. Spark Fusion is a full mind, body, spirit experience catered to the the warrior within you.